Club Notes 1st March

All Weather Astro Facility
Crecora Manister GAA Club has now formally submitted its application for grant funding under the Governments Sports Capital Scheme towards the provision of an All Weather Astro Faciliy at the GAA pitch.

This facility, located at the hurling wall, is the width of the hurling wall, ie 24.6m, and is 55m long. It will be fenced and with flood lighting and will be a huge adition to the club if approved for grant funding. Please note, however, that a  decision on funding will not be announced until late 2021.

Thanks to all those in the GAA and Camogie Clubs who worked so hard in preparing and submitting the Sports Capital Grant application. A big thank you also to all those club members, along with some businesses, who contributed funds in recent weeks to support the “own funding” element of our application. While fundraising efforts will continue, the funds raised at the time of application will ensure that our application has a “fighting chance” when it comes to the decision making process later in the year.

Community Walking Track
Subject to Covid restrictions, it is hoped that work will commence in April on the Community Walking Track at Crecora Manister GAA pitch. This will be a great resource available to all in the GAA and Camogie Clubs as well as the local community.

You can support the fundraising efforts for the Astro Facility and Community Walking Track by sending a cheque payable to Crecora Manister Development Fund, to Pat Byrnes or Mark Leahy, or by lodging direct to the Development Fund Account with Bank of Ireland: IBAN IE26 BOFI 904499 47496971